Program Schedule

This is the program schedule as of May 21th. It is subject to change.

Zoom-based sessions require pre-registration using the provided link; each session must be registered for individually.  After registration, a confirmation email containing the link to each session will be sent to you. For kaffeeklatsches and other small events with size limits, links for entry or wait-lists will be sent out at least 20 hours before the event.

Some of the sessions will be shown on Twitch and YouTube. See the Twitch and YouTube pages for the restream schedules. Games and Watch Party schedules are listed on separate pages.

If you wish to view the program in a different format, we have created full schedules as PDF files for you to download: Color or Black and White.

Use the Up and Down arrows to expand and collapse the daily schedules and descriptions. Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

FRIDAY, May 22
Friday schedule

Session Title
Session Access
4:30 PM
Fan Interest
Opening Ceremonies
Watch and celebrate the start of the first virtual Balticon.
Duration: 20 minutes
Michael Rafferty and others
5 PM
Two Kinds of Explanations: Those that Preserve History and Those that Erase It
It’s important to distinguish between things that should be explained by physical law and things that should be explained as contingent results of history — but it can be surprisingly difficult to do so. Andrew Love will discuss this distinction, why it is important, and how to figure out which kind of explanation should be sought in a particular situation.
Duration: 50 minutes
Andrew Love, Jr.
Scrivener and Other Tools to Manage Creativity
Scrivener is a super popular tool for writers to track their progress, but it’s not for everyone. There are many options out there, from basic to-do lists, to bullet journals, to SCRUM, to online project management tools like Monday or Trello. Come learn about the pros and cons of each.
Duration: 50 minutes
Don Sakers (Moderator),
Meriah L Crawford,
Kelly E. Dwyer,
Val Griswold-Ford,
Beth Tanner
Guest of Honor,
Literary, Writing
Adding Love Stories to Genre Fiction
Romances in genre fiction often get a bad rap for feeling forced and causing the story to come to a screeching halt. What past and present works resonate in their approach to these problems and what can an author learn by looking at them?
Duration: 50 minutes
Ted Weber (Moderator),
Ken Schrader,
Wen Spencer,
Mary Fan,
L. Marie Wood
Boldly Going Forward
Star Trek: Picard was an unexpected return to the future of Star Trek’s ‘Prime’ timeline after years of prequels and reboots. Is its success anomalous, or an indicator that revisits to Star Trek’s past are starting to get played out? Are there other stories that are on the table in the future of the ‘Prime’ timeline?
Duration: 50 minutes
J.L. Gribble (Moderator),
Brick Barrientos,
Karen Osborne
6 PM
Science, Skeptics
Suggestible You — How the Mind and Body Continually Twist and Shape Our Realities
We all know that “that person.” The one with crystals all over their house and a drawer full of supplements. Every time you have a headache or a sniffle, they whip out a dozen dubious-sounding Chinese herbs recommended by their shaman. Why does it all work for them and not you? Or if you are that person, why can’t your friends see how important chakras and energy lines are? The answer is tied up in how our bodies react to our brains’ expectations. You are more gullible than you realize, but that’s a good thing! Come along with Erik for a look at beliefs around the world and how they both change our bodies and constantly deceive us.
Duration: 50 minutes
Erik Vance
Literary, Writing
Alternate History — Just Add Magic!
Starting with a well known period of history and throwing in magical elements into the mix is a popular approach to developing a basic concept for a story. Examples of this include Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, the Enchanted Chocolate Pot, and the Lord Darcy stories. We will talk about the benefits and pitfalls of this approach, how much rigor to put into the magical system, how much history you need to learn, and how to decide where to get started.
Duration: 50 minutes
Alan Smale (Moderator),
D.H. Aire,
Day Al-Mohamed,
Melissa Hayden,
R.F. Kuang
Publishing, Writing
Writing for Themed Anthologies
Anthologies offer an excellent opportunity for writers to get their work to new readers. Writers and editors discuss where to look for submission opportunities, how to write to a theme, and tips on catching an editor’s eye (for the right reasons).
Duration: 50 minutes
Michael Ventrella (Moderator),
Keith R.A. DeCandido,
John L. French,
Monica Louzon,
Jean Marie Ward
Literary, TV/Film
Starship Troopers: What's All the Fuss?
Starship Troopers is one of Robert Heinlein’s most popular — and controversial — books. This talk examines some of the controversies surrounding both the book and the movie.
Duration: 50 minutes
Christopher Weuve
7 PM
Exploring Planetary Climate: A History of Scientific Discovery on Earth, Mars, Venus and Titan
This talk chronicles the emergence of understanding of Earth’s climate, in parallel with the progressive discovery of conditions on other worlds. Over the past centuries, explorers have sailed to every continent, ascended in balloons, and probed the depths of the seas. Meanwhile, exoplanetary discoveries moved from telescopic observation of clouds and ice caps on our planetary neighbours in the 17th and 18th centuries to the dawn of the space age and the first voyages of robot explorers. This talk will conclude with recent developments in detecting and characterizing exoplanets, including the discovery in 2016 of a planet around our nearest star.
Duration: 50 minutes
Ralph Lorenz
Literary, Reading,
I Read For The Worldbuilding
Some authors are known for their well-paced or twisty plots, some for their deep and nuanced characters, and some are known for their evocative worlds. What stories or series are recommended to readers interested in worldbuilding? What methods did the authors use to make their worlds intriguing and entertaining, rather than tiresome or self-indulgent?
Duration: 50 minutes
Don Sakers (Moderator),
J.L. Gribble,
E.C. Ambrose,
Michael M. Jones,
Ada Palmer
Guest of Honor, Art
Infamous Bad Book Cover Show
Join Art Guest of Honor Lee Moyer as he guides you through the appalling Vale of Book Covers Past and the Valley of the Shadow of ebooks Present. Note: This item will not be recorded.
Duration: 50 minutes
Lee Moyer
Guest of Honor,
Wen Spencer Kaffeeklatsch/Literary Beer
Bring your beverage of choice and come hang out with Guest of Honor Wen Spencer. Some spaces will be determined via a lottery system.
Duration: 50 minutes
Wen Spencer
8 PM
How to Heat and Cool Your Spaceship
Whether you’re planning a five-year mission to explore strange new worlds, or just heading off for a weekend jaunt to the Moon, you need to be able to control the temperature in your spaceship. Ordinary earth-bound HVAC will not work in space, so you’re going to need to figure out something else. This talk will start by reviewing the three ways that heat can be transferred and then look at which ones will work in space.
Duration: 50 minutes
Brent Warner
Ask a Scientist: Wildlife and Ecology
How big can my monster be before it doesn’t make sense in its ecosystem? How many bipedal humanoid species are you likely to see on a single planet, anyway? What the heck kind of evolutionary history would lead to something as impractical as a Xenomorph? Bring your wildlife and ecology questions, and our panel of scientists will (attempt to) answer them!
Duration: 50 minutes
Chris Lester (Moderator),
Ted Weber,
Sam Droege,
Pam Garrettson
Write What You Know! Wait, What Do I Know?
Regardless of how literally you take the old adage, you’re going to be writing some degree of what you know and have experienced. What are some different ways you can incorporate this knowledge into your story? How much detail should you convey to an audience, and how do you know what’s going to be interesting to other people?
Duration: 50 minutes
Jean Marie Ward (Moderator),
Catherine Asaro,
Stephanie Burke,
Larry Hodges,
Scott Roche
Finding Games and Gaming Groups Online
How do you wade through the abyss of the internet to find a handful of fun people who you will enjoy gaming with regularly? Managing your expectations and knowing how and where to look can save you a lot of trouble.
Duration: 50 minutes
Spence (Moderator),
Chooch Schubert,
Live Performance
Roberta Rogow Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
9 PM
Recent Advances in the Science of Meteorology and Hydrology and Changes to National Weather Service Operations
While the forecasts may look the same, the science and technology underneath has evolved over the last few years. Come learn about recent science and technology advances in meteorology and hydrology and what it means for your local forecasts. Learn about the newest generation of satellites and advances in modeling. Weather and water forecasts have never been more accurate and reliable — come hear why!
Duration: 50 minutes
Jason Tuell
Guest of Honor,
When to Tell Instead of Show
While writers are told to “show, not tell,” there are times where showing is insufficient. What exactly does “telling” entail? When should you follow this advice, and when should you throw it out the window?
Duration: 50 minutes
Mary G. Thompson
Wen Spencer,
Meriah L Crawford,
Bud Sparhawk,
Gail Martin
Literary, Reading,
So You Want To Build A Galactic Empire
A society can conquer a thousand planets, but unless faster-than-light communication exists, there’s no way to hold the empire together. What are the technological requirements and infrastructure needed to maintain a functioning interstellar government?
Duration: 50 minutes
Jennifer Povey (Moderator),
Bill Laubenheimer,
Arkady Martine,
Karen Osborne,
Don Sakers
Live Performance,
This Kaiju Life LIVE!
The audio diary of a perfectly ordinary IT guy working at a very extraordinary company.
Duration: 50 minutes
Nobilis Reed,
Charlie Brown,
Mark Kilfoil,
Kim The Comic Book Goddess,
Doc Coleman,
Veronica Giguere,
Jason Banks,
Keith Hughes,
Paul Cooley
Live Performance
Maugorn Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
10 PM
So What is Horror?
What is it that makes horror a distinct genre, and what experience are audiences seeking to get out of it? How has our definition of what constitutes “horror” changed over time? How do ideas and concepts break out from horror into other genres, such as paranormal romance and urban fantasy, and what makes horror’s use of them different?
Duration: 50 minutes
Chad Eric Smith (Moderator),
L. Marie Wood,
Lee Murray,
Alan Smale,
John Wiswell
Live Performance
Friday Open Filk
Come sing the night away, or just stop by for a listen!
Duration: 2+ hours
Trailer Park
Bring a drink and relax while you join professional film critic Daniel Kimmel on a tour of trailers for upcoming films that he’s keeping an eye on.
Duration: 50 minutes
Daniel Kimmel
Guest of Honor,
Live Reading
Reading: Lee Moyer
Note: This item will not be recorded.
Duration: 50 minutes
Lee Moyer
Saturday schedule

Session Title
Session Access
10 AM
Ask a Scientist: Medical Professionals
What’s the worst sword wound I can give my badass protagonist and still have them recover (with a cool scar)? What sort of nutritional supplements would colonists need on a new planet? How does one give birth in zero gravity? Bring your questions, and our panel of medical professionals will do their best to answer them!
Duration: 50 minutes
Douglas Dluzen (Moderator),
Dr. Gandalf,
Kim the Comic Book Goddess,
Richard Macko
You Can't Shop at Target in Middle Earth
In your original fantasy setting, everything the characters own or interact with has to come from somewhere, from food and drink to durable goods. Let’s talk about how to build a believable material culture for your world.
Duration: 50 minutes
E.C. Ambrose (Moderator),
Gail Martin,
Roberta Rogow,
James Stratton,
Beth Tanner
How to Have a Good Time Gaming With Strangers
Games can be an intensely social experience, which can make them a great way to meet new people, but it also takes some effort to make sure everyone has a good time. What can you do as a player or GM to make sessions with an unknown group go well?
Duration: 50 minutes
Bob Oliver (Moderator),
Mildred Cady,
Jose Smith
Live Reading
Reading: Osborne and Pinsker
Duration: 50 minutes
Karen Osborne,
Sarah Pinsker
11 AM
Science, Skeptics
Am I Reading Legitimate Science?
News about scientific discoveries and advances can be incredibly important and exciting, but also potentially prone to misrepresentation, misreporting, or distortion. What should readers look for before deciding to forward on a news piece to their family, friends, and colleagues? What can scientists do to ensure that their findings are reported on clearly and accurately, and what can science writers do to ensure they are reporting on solid and meaningful results? What are the signs that the underlying science itself is suspect, and how can you check when the primary literature is often paywalled?
Duration: 50 minutes
Thomas Holtz (Moderator),
Douglas Dluzen,
Henry S. Gibbons,
Anna Kashina,
Ted Weber
Gaming, Publishing
My First Kickstarter: Lessons Learned
Presenter Jay Stilipec will walk you through the process of running their Kickstarter campaign, from online and IRL marketing techniques to setting realistic fulfillment deadlines to how to maintain contact with backers.
Duration: 50 minutes
Jay Stilipec
Literary, Religion
What Makes a Compelling Fantasy Religion?
Throughout history, religion has motivated people to perform acts of both great altruism and unbelievable cruelty. A fantasy setting featuring a complex and consistent religion offers opportunities to explore deep, nuanced characters and plots. Which creators are notable for crafting believable and interesting religions, and what kind of stories have they been able to tell with them?
Duration: 50 minutes
Kim Hargan (Moderator),
Daniel M. Ford,
A.L. Kaplan,
Ada Palmer,
Mary G. Thompson
Live Reading
Reading: DeCandido and Martell
Duration: 50 minutes
Keith R.A. DeCandido,
Nick Martell
12 PM
Ankle Robotics After Stroke: Iron Man Meets Neuro-Rehabilitation
Many people have problems walking after they suffer a stroke due to limited strength and mobility. Richard Macko, from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the Baltimore Veterans Administration Medical Center, will discuss his work in creating a lightweight ankle robot to assist in rehabilitation.
Duration: 50 minutes
Richard Macko, MD
Tips for Writing Combat
Even veterans and long-time practitioners can have problems writing fights that are both compelling and realistic; how is someone new supposed to keep up? We’ll discuss getting experience with the weapons you’re writing about, how to handle pacing in brawls, skirmishes, and battles, and how to keep the tension high when your protagonists have to survive.
Duration: 50 minutes
James Mendez Hodes (Moderator),
Jeanne Adams,
Ken Schrader,
Ryan Van Loan
Co-op Gaming Online: Digital Board Games
Boardgaming online is relatively new as boardgame developers are now releasing official digital editions. Cooperative games (where the players all participate as a team to overcome the hazards and threats posed by the game itself) can be uniquely suited to online play, since there aren’t any concerns about online connectivity issues giving an unfair advantage to any player and asynchronous modes allow for players to not be online at the same time. Boardgaming online can pose some unique challenges. Jose Smith discusses ways to play competitive and cooperative games online, challenges in cooperative gaming exacerbated by an online environment, opportunities that online play offers that face-to-face play doesn’t, and more.
Duration: 50 minutes
Jose Smith
Arkady Martine Kaffeeklatsch
Bring your beverage of choice and come hang out with 2020 Compton Crook winner Arkady Martine. Spaces will be determined via a lottery system.
Duration: 50 minutes
Arkady Martine
1 PM
Wild Bees: Is Your Backyard Supporting the 20,000+ Species or Have You Eliminated Them?
There is more to pollination than honey bees. Roughly 4,000 different species of bees inhabit the United State, with over 500 in the mid-Atlantic region. Wild bees pollinate our wildflowers and a good share of our agricultural crops, and they are far more critical than the domesticated honey bee. Many of these species only use the pollen from one species of wildflower, so saving them is about restoring the native landscapes and native flowers lost to lawns, herbiciding, non-native plants, and overzealous tree planting. In this talk we will introduce you to those bees, their plants, and how to convert your lawn back to supporting native bees rather than eliminating them.
Duration: 50 minutes
Sam Droege
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
Literary, Reading
YA As Its Own Genre
Young Adult(YA) is often set aside as its own genre in bookstores, libraries, and suggested reading lists. Like children’s literature, it is frequently categorized by expected reader age, rather than style or content. How is a book classified as YA, and what differentiates it from adult books? Has this classification been beneficial to YA literature, or has it had a negative effect?
Duration: 50 minutes
Scott Roche (Moderator),
Mary Fan,
Starla Huchton,
A.L. Kaplan,
Mary G. Thompson
Literary, Writing
Favorite Genre Love Stories
At its best, romance can add a delightful source of tension and emotional payoff in a book or series. At its worst, romance can cause the plot to drag to a halt and cause readers to throw the book across the room. We will discuss our favorite genre books that have managed to incorporate romance to create a satisfying experience.
Duration: 50 minutes
L. Penelope (Moderator),
Jamaila Brinkley,
Stephanie Burke,
Margaret Riley,
Anna Kashina
Science, Literary
Aircraft Carriers in Space!
Aircraft carriers are cool. Aircraft carriers in space are even more cool — even if they might not make sense. This talk explores aircraft carriers in reality and science fiction.
Duration: 50 minutes
Christopher Weuve
Guest of Honor
Getting Started With Streaming
With cons and song circles going virtual, folks used to performing on stage and in circles in a room full of people suddenly find themselves trying to make the best of performing over the Internet. Our panel of experienced performers and podcasters will help you figure out how to make the best use of your computer or tablet, what gear and software to buy, and how to get yourself on YouTube, Twitch and other streaming sites.
Duration: 50 minutes
Chooch Schubert (Moderator),
Eric Coleman,
Lizzie Crowe,
Kim the Comic Book Goddess
2 PM
Cicadas Are Drugged by Fungi to Mate Nonstop
The fungus Massospora cicadina infects 13- and 17-year cicada nymphs as they dig through the soil to emerge. This fungus radically changes the cicadas’ behavior, leading to an increase in sexual activity even as the cicadas’ bodies fall apart.
Duration: 50 minutes
Matthew Kasson, PhD
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
You Can Start GMing Now: Tips for First-Time GMs
If you want to play RPGs and you don’t have a GM, you should consider stepping up. You don’t have to be an expert on fantasy lore or a master rules lawyer; anyone can be a GM. We’ll talk about common struggles like setting expectations, keeping everyone at the table engaged, finding and playing to your own unique strengths and style, and the hardest part of it all, battling the demons of three to five other people’s schedules.
Duration: 50 minutes
Kelly Shannon Pierce (Moderator),
Peter Bryant,
James Mendez Hodes,
Jennifer Povey
Reading, Writing
Time Travel and Paradoxes
What are the unique challenges of working time travel into a story? How does chronological complexity affect characterization, plot structure, and reader immersion? We’ll talk about ways to keep everything (relatively) straight for both creators and audiences, how to identify subtle (and possibly not so subtle) clues, and how to appreciate curveballs rather than be confused by them.
Duration: 50 minutes
Don Sakers (Moderator),
D.H. Aire,
Daniel Kimmel,
Valerie Mikles,
John Tilden
History and Folklore
Kingdom of Warrior Women: The Dahomey Kingdom and its Amazons
For several hundred years, the Dahomey Kingdom in West Africa had an all-female regiment, the Mino. Referred to as Amazons by European visitors, the women would hold positions of military and political power and were the inspiration for the Dora Milaje in Marvel’s Black Panther.
Duration: 50 minutes
Chidumebi Njoku-Browne
3 PM
Reconstructing Facial Anatomy and Feeding Mechanisms in Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs exhibited an enormous diversity of feeding mechanisms contributing to their successful reign. Vertebrate paleontologists have studied dinosaur feeding mechanisms for over a century by closely examining bones, teeth, and reconstructing musculature in the dinosaur head. There is a lot more to dinosaur feeding biology than just asking if something is a carnivore or an herbivore. Ali will present his studies in muscle reconstruction and functional analysis in a broad range of herbivorous dinosaurs as well as give a glimpse at the diets of dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes.
Duration: 50 minutes
Ali Nabavizadeh, PhD
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
Guest of Honor,
Intro To Self-Publishing
So you have a story and you want to publish it yourself. We’ll talk about how to get started, how to get noticed, and when you should pay a professional.
Duration: 50 minutes
Kim Hargan (Moderator),
Jean Cooper,
Keith Hughes,
Lee Moyer,
Cerece Rennie Murphy
Live Reading,
BSFS Poetry Contest Winners Reading
The winners of the annual poetry contest will have their poems read. There will be an open mic poetry reading afterwards, time permitting.
Duration: 50 minutes
Patti Kinlock (Moderator)
Guest of Honor,
Getting Ready For Your First Performance
Your favorite con has tagged you for your first ever concert set. Now you have to make a setlist, decide if you want accompanists, and chase away the butterflies in your stomach. Come learn some tips and techniques for making your time on stage a success.
Duration: 50 minutes
Bill Laubenheimer (Moderator),
Eric Coleman,
Lizzie Crowe,
Sarah Pinsker
A Joyful Rumble: Black Joy In Video Game Culture
“Black Joy” refers to bringing forward positive and expressive actions within and through resistance to white hegemony and racism. African Americans in gaming culture share a history through which one can analyze black expressive culture. Javon Goard will present an introduction to the history and contemporary involvement of African Americans within the game industry and discuss how this ties into the concept of Black Joy.
Duration: 50 minutes
Javon Goard, MS
4 PM
Is There Life On Mars?
Dr. Straat, Co-Experimenter of the Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment and member of the Biology Flight Team on NASA’s 1976 Viking Mission to Mars, will address the possibility of Martian microbial life based on her recently published book To Mars With Love. The book tells the behind-the-scenes story of the development and implementation of the Labeled Release experiment along with its controversial results, which were consistent with the presence of Martian microbial life.
Duration: 50 minutes
Patricia Ann Straat
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
New Media,
Why the Storyteller Needs a Narrator
As authors write more and want to monetize multiple revenue streams, audiobooks represent a popular venue with diverse distribution options. Investing in a narrator whose voice fits the work and brings it to life is an important decision. Learn how to choose the best narrator and what an author can expect.
Duration: 50 minutes
John Walker (Moderator),
Melissa L. Hayden,
Starla Huchton,
Mike Luoma,
Dave Robison
History and Folklore,
Historical Research — Not Just Words
Much historical scholarship takes the form of written media, but other forms of information are available. We’ll talk about where to go to find these resources and how to use them for inspiration.
Duration: 50 minutes
D.H. Aire (Moderator),
E.C. Ambrose,
R.F. Kuang,
Melissa Scott,
Monica Louzon
How Games Have Changed Storytelling
Games have changed the ways that we read, write, and talk about stories in other media. What does it mean to call a non-game character a PC or a boss instead of a protagonist or a villain? How have archetypes based on game mechanics, like the tank and the DPS, seeped into other forms of media? How do stats and fate points change the way we understand characters and narrative twists?
Duration: 50 minutes
Jose Smith (Moderator),
Peter Bryant,
Daniel M. Ford
Live Performance
Metricula Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
5 PM
Bacteria and the Microbiomes in Homes, Around Earth, and Above Earth
The microbiome is all around us. Microscopic organisms are found in virtually every environment on the Earth’s surface as well as atmosphere. Come learn about the diversity of species on Earth, how they interact with one another to influence your environment, and how they’re on the front lines of biomedical research. And yes, we’ll talk a little about everyone’s favorite new villains: the Coronavirus family.
Duration: 50 minutes
Douglas Dluzen
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
Dealing with Literary Rejection
Every creator has received a rejection at some point in their career. What are good coping strategies and what should be avoided? How do you glean advice from rejections, and how do you recognize when you’ve been sent boilerplate text? How (and should) you integrate this feedback into your work?
Duration: 50 minutes
Karen Osborne (Moderator),
Joshua Bilmes,
Morgan Hazelwood,
Larry Hodges,
Margaret Riley
Guest of Honor
Posing for Photos In Costume and Cosplay
So, you’ve spent all season perfecting your next costume: Don’t settle for selfies! Leigh and Jay Targaryen will go over topics to make your poses pop, utilize angles and negative space, and literally put your best foot forward!
Duration: 50 minutes
Leigh and Jay Targaryen
Gaming in the Electronic and Digital Age
An overview of the technology and innovations that brought games from lights and relay switches to a vast world wide digital and wireless network of variety.
Duration: 50 minutes
Mildred Cady
Live Performance
Sassafrass Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
6 PM
Testing the Robots that Keep Us Safe: Performance Standards for Response Robots
The world can be a dangerous place! Fortunately, a growing number of robots can go to places where we can’t, or don’t want to, put people. In this talk, we present an international effort, led by NIST, to develop standards that drive the advancement of such robots. We focus on RoboCup Rescue, a competition for students from high school, right through to Ph.D. students, that use these standards to inspire research into this critical application.
Duration: 50 minutes
Raymond Sheh,
Archer Losely
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
Guest of Honor,
Literary, Writing
Writing the Spectrum of Feminine Strength
“Strong female character” is often used as shorthand for women who have significant weapons training and who know how to fight — traits typically considered masculine in our culture. Why is it so difficult to write female characters who don’t fall into one stereotype or another, and how does this contribute to the problem of limited female characterization?
Duration: 50 minutes
Val Griswold-Ford (Moderator),
Jamaila Brinkley,
Monica Louzon,
Cerece Rennie Murphy,
Wen Spencer
Guest of Honor,
Literary, TV/Film
The Future From The Shadows: Noir in SF
Like science fiction, the noir genre developed in pulps and films of the 30s and 40s, and there is a long history of sci-fi creators using noir themes of antiheroes, grey morality, and decaying locales. What have works like Blade Runner, Neuromancer, and Altered Carbon drawn from the noir genre, and why do these influences continue to resonate throughout the decades?
Duration: 50 minutes
Ted Weber (Moderator),
Charlie Brown,
Lee Moyer,
Mark Van Name
R.F. Kuang Kaffeeklatsch/Literary Beer
Bring your beverage of choice and come hang out with 2019 Compton Crook winner R.F. Kuang. Spaces will be determined via a lottery system.
Duration: 50 minutes
R.F. Kuang
7 PM
Literary, Science
Jews in Space
The Jewish phrase mazel tov, loosely translated to “congratulations,” literally means “good constellations.” Come to this preview of a new exhibit scheduled to open at the Jewish Museum of Maryland in Baltimore this September. Though the exhibition takes its title from a faux movie trailer in a Mel Brooks film, JMM Executive Director Marvin Pinkert uses it as a jumping off point for a serious (but not too serious) look at the impact people of Jewish heritage have had on astronomy, space exploration, and science fiction.
Duration: 50 minutes
Marvin Pinkert
Science Fiction Has Always Been Political
Throughout the history of science fiction and fantasy, creators have used the opportunity for imaginative storytelling to explore issues of their day. From the Twilight Zone to Alien Nation to Mass Effect, what are ways that genre stories have explored the concerns of the world in which they were made?
Duration: 50 minutes
James Mendez Hodes (Moderator),
Mary Fan,
Arkady Martine,
Ada Palmer,
Sarah Pinsker
Post-Apocalyptic Fashion Dos and Don’ts
We all thought the apocalypse would look like Mad Max, but now it resembles more of continent-wide sleepover where we have to be reminded to wear pants. What would actual survivors need to wear, and carry, in a post-apocalyptic environment? How much is this a question of circumstances, and how much can be generalized?
Duration: 50 minutes
Jennifer Povey (Moderator),
Thomas Atkinson,
Don Sakers,
Doug Warden
Live Reading
Reading: Huchton and Lester
Duration: 50 minutes
Starla Huchton,
Chris Lester
8 PM
Literary, Science
Ask a Scientist: Rockets and Space
What are some alternate ways to propel a payload into orbit? How many planets can I jam into a star system? How would the time dilation near a black hole affect baking instructions? Come with your space and rocketry questions, and our scientists will try to answer them (reasonably) within the bounds of current knowledge!
Duration: 50 minutes
Brent Warner (Moderator),
Ken Carpenter,
Pamela Gay,
Inge Heyer,
Valerie Mikles
Guest of Honor,
Lee Moyer Kaffeeklatsch/Literary Beer
Bring your beverage of choice and come hang out with Guest of Honor Lee Moyer. Some spaces will be determined via a lottery system.
Duration: 50 minutes
Lee Moyer
Guest of Honor,
Making Painful Edits
It’s hard to cut out scenes or characters that you love, but your story may be better off without them. How do you learn to recognize when something has to go, and how do you reconnect any threads that run through the parts you’re removing?
Duration: 50 minutes
E.C. Ambrose (Moderator),
Kim Hargan,
Julayne Hughes,
Nick Martell,
Wen Spencer
Balticon 54 Virtual Masquerade
Tune into Twitch to enjoy a virtual masquerade show. View a compilation of videos and photos sent by this year’s entrants with introductions by the Master of Ceremonies, Lee and Jay Targaryen
Duration: 50 minutes
Lee and Jay Targaryen (MC)
Live Performance
Kim the Comic Book Goddess Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
Fan interest,
Streaming Content: Going Live Online
Podcasting is enjoying (yet again!) a renaissance with fans, writers, and other creative types, but a new option has presented itself as a platform for creating an online community: streaming. So what does it take to get started in streaming? How much will streaming cost? What kinds of content are appropriate for streaming? Tee Morris, author of Twitch for Dummies, will present on where to begin with streaming, how to create consistency in your schedule, and how to cultivate an audience without turning your interaction into endless hawking for subs and follows.
Duration: 50 minutes
Tee Morris
9 PM
Getting the Most From a Writers’ Association
Genre association groups such as the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) and the Romance Writers Association (RWA), as well as more local groups like the Maryland Writers Association (MWA), can offer benefits and perks. Panelists talk about what different groups have to offer and how to get the most out of your membership.
Duration: 50 minutes
Jean Marie Ward (Moderator),
Bud Sparhawk,
Jamaila Brinkley,
A.L. Kaplan,
Lee Murray
Live Performance,
MythWits AUA Thick-It Challenge
The MythWits will take a shot of Thick-It water and answer questions from our audience. Watch us down this disgusting substance while we try to answer your questions.
Duration: 50 minutes
Peter Bryant (Moderator),
Mike Kafes,
Scott Pond,
Tori Duke Pond
Live Reading
Reading: Kimmel and Ventrella
Duration: 50 minutes
Daniel Kimmel,
Michael Ventrella
Filk, Music,
Guest of Honor,
Live Performance
Cheshire Moon Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
10 PM
Live Performance
Cold Reads
Given a script only 15 minutes before the show, these voice actors must perform… a cold read.
Duration: 50 minutes
Spence (Moderator),
Starla Huchton,
Mike Luoma,
Dave Robison,
Julayne Hughes
Live Performance
Saturday Open Filk
Come sing the night away, or just stop by for a listen!
Duration: 2+ hours
Reading, Writing
Modern SFF Erotica
Readers and writers alike, who prefer a little spice in their speculative fiction (or a lot of spice, let’s be real) will find this panel of interest. Where are the biggest markets for erotic science fiction and fantasy? What trends do we see in erotic SFF publishing? Our experts will tell you where to buy and sell the good stuff.
Duration: 50 minutes
Nobilis Reed (Moderator),
Stephanie Burke,
Jean Cooper,
Margaret Riley
SUNDAY, May 24
Sunday schedule

Session Title
Session Access
10 AM
Underwater Mapping of the Bikini Atoll, 73 years after the Nuclear Tests
From 1946 to 1958, a series of atomic bombs were tested throughout Bikini atoll, resulting in a series of anthropogenic craters around the rim and lagoon of the atoll. In June 2019, for the first time, a set of comprehensive geophysical mapping investigations was performed using advanced phase measuring echosounder sonar systems combined with inertial navigation and satellite positioning.
Duration: 50 minutes
Arthur Trembanis
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
Writing While Life Rolls Over You
How do you survive unexpected life events while trying to juggle both a day job and a writing career? How do you stay organized and get back to a project when everything is trying to tear you away? Let’s share the tricks we use to keep ourselves going.
Duration: 50 minutes
Scott Edelman (Moderator),
Michael Ventrella,
Doc Coleman,
Hildy Silverman,
Javon Goard
Reading, Writing
Beta-Reading Propositions: What are you in for?
So you’ve been asked (or offered) to beta-read for someone. Now what? If they don’t tell you, what sort of feedback are they looking for? What sort of feedback should they be looking for? And, of course, how to give feedback that helps — and still be on speaking terms with the author after they’ve read your comments.
Duration: 50 minutes
Keith Hughes (Moderator),
Morgan Hazelwood,
Starla Huchton,
Mike Luoma,
Ted Weber
11 AM
Whose Spore Is It, Anyway? A Brief History of Biodefense
Henry S. Gibbons, research microbiologist at the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command – Chemical Biological Center, will cover the history of using microorganisms as weapons, as well as case studies drawn from his own laboratory, including microbial forensics, synthetic biology, and how genetic engineering of microorganisms is used to aid biodefense.
Duration: 50 minutes
Henry S. Gibbons
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
Sandbox vs. Plot-Point Campaigns in Tabletop Games
It’s a perennial question in RPGs: do you prefer sandbox or linear campaigns? We’ll hear some arguments on both sides, talk about how to run each one well, and maybe just challenge a false dichotomy.
Duration: 50 minutes
Peter Bryant (Moderator),
Chris Lester,
Chooch Schubert
Guest of Honor
Arranging Music for Vocals
From melody lines to harmonies, from modulating volume to pacing, arranging the vocal parts for a song can be as important as instrumentals. Our panel of performers will help you give your songs the impact they deserve, whether funny, serious, tearjerking, or soaring.
Duration: 50 minutes
Lizzie Crowe (moderator),
Emily Lewis,
Ada Palmer
Batya Wittenberg
History and Folklore
The Evolution of Indigenous Narratives in Video Games
Video games can be an incredible mechanism for storytelling and can give us lasting memories, profound feelings, and fresh perspectives on the world. These elements of storytelling are critical in indigenous cultures, but video games have a history of only superficially exploring how they are represented. We will discuss the history of indigenous peoples in video games, the reasons behind many of these representations, and how those who have inherited old stories are passing them on in new ways.
Duration: 50 minutes
Chris Apple,
Lisa Kincade,
Dustin Richardson
Hand Jive Workshop
Hand jive was an actual 1950s dance that goes way beyond its appearance in the 1978 film Grease. It’s easy, fun, and both family-friendly and suited to those who have mobility challenges — you only need your hands and arms for this! Join Susan to learn some hand jive movements and then show off your new moves to some classic hand jive music!
Duration: 50 minutes
Susan de Guardiola
12 pm
A Bird in the Hand: 100 Years of Bird Banding and Citizen Science in North America
The USGS Patuxent Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) is an integrated scientific program established in 1920 supporting the collection, archiving, management and dissemination of information from banded and marked birds in North America. Since that time, members of the public, by reporting bird bands, have helped scientists conduct research, and monitor the status and trends of resident and migratory bird populations. Birds are good indicators of overall environmental health, so this information has been critical for identifying and understanding many ecological issues and for developing effective science, management, and conservation practices. We’ll explore the history of bird banding and some of the increasingly sophisticated modeling techniques that have been developed to analyze banding data.
Duration: 50 minutes
Pam Garrettson
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
How Much Worldbuilding Is Too Much?
How do you plan worldbuilding and backstory for your book? When is it useful to develop worldbuilding content that may never directly be shown to the reader, and when should you put on the brakes? How do you feed the information to your readers without bogging them down or stalling out for the obligatory info-dump?
Duration: 50 minutes
Alan Smale (Moderator),
Melissa Hayden,
Melissa Scott,
Mary G. Thompson,
Ryan Van Loan
What's This About A Social Media Presence?
In this day and age, if you want an audience, the marketing department (assuming you have one) is going to want you to do some of the heavy lifting — even before you have a product to sell! What qualifies as a “social media presence” when your audience grew up with the internet? We’ll discuss how to start building your brand, reaching out to fans, and what should you avoid doing.
Duration: 50 minutes
Morgan Hazelwood (Moderator),
Joshua Bilmes,
Mike Luoma,
Tee Morris
Games that Tell Stories and Storytelling Games
Games like Gloom, Tales of the Arabian Nights, and Once Upon a Time are designed to have their stories generated through gameplay. Games like Gloomhaven, Twilight Struggle, and Terraforming Mars tell rich and powerful stories that must be uncovered by the players. We’ll explore the differences between these types of games and the ways they both engage with our need for narrative in play.
Duration: 50 minutes
Jose Smith (Moderator),
Rodger Burns,
Jay Stilipec
1 PM
Dinosaurs, the Update
Tom Holtz presents his annual update on what’s new with things that happened millions of years ago.
Duration: 90 minutes
Tom Holtz, Jr., PhD
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
History and Folklore,
How Contemporary Fears Shape Apocalyptic Fiction
From nuclear war to disease to computers run amok, horror and apocalyptic fiction hold a mirror up to society’s fears and show us just how badly things can go wrong. How have the terrors of different eras shaped stories of the end times, and how do different ways of portraying them affect their respective audiences?
Duration: 50 minutes
D.H. Aire (Moderator),
Kelly E. Dwyer,
John Wiswell,
Hildy Silverman
The Mandalorian: Star Wars Outside of Space Opera
The Mandalorian is notable in no small part because it moved away from the epic war-story plots of the earlier Star Wars films and television series to adopt a Space Western approach to storytelling. What kinds of stories and new approaches are now plausible in the Star Wars universe, now that The Mandalorian has shaken things up, and what are we most interested in seeing in future televised Star Wars series?
Duration: 50 minutes
Gadi Evron (Moderator),
Thomas Atkinson,
Keith Hughes,
Don Sakers,
Kelly Shannon Pierce
Guest of Honor
Music & Myth
Music and myth have always been closely intertwined. From Sirens to the Pied Piper, many legends and myths revolve around music. And from Childe ballads to filk, music has been used to pass along stories of fantasy and myth. Our panel explores this relationship.
Duration: 50 minutes
Emily Lewis (Moderator),
Eric Coleman,
Lizzie Crowe,
Ada Palmer,
Batya Wittenberg
Live Reading
Reading: Edelman and Weber
Duration: 50 minutes
Scott Edelman,
Ted Weber
2 PM
Reading, Writing
Book Discussion: The Pursuit of the Pankera
Released in March 2020, The Pursuit of the Pankera is an alternate version of Robert A. Heinlein’s basic storyline from The Number of the Beast. It’s essentially a first-draft, but it was edited slightly to see the light of day, and unless you’re a scholar of Heinlein’s work you probably didn’t even know it existed! Join us to discuss it (There WILL be spoilers), what it tells us about Heinlein’s decisions while writing, and how it fits in with his overall career.
Duration: 50 minutes
John Tilden (Moderator),
Don Sakers,
Steve Wilson
Reading, Writing
The Cost of Magic
In fiction, the use of magic often requires an exchange or cost, whether it be the loss of prized possessions or the physical and mental tolls taken on spellcasters. What stories feature a balance between power and price? What impact does the need for these choices have on worldbuilding, narrative structure, and character?
Duration: 50 minutes
John French (Moderator),
J.L. Gribble,
Nick Martell,
L. Penelope,
Beth Tanner
Guest of Honor,
Targaryens’ Tea
Bring your beverage of choice and come hang out with Special Guests Leigh and Jay Targaryen. Costumes encouraged! Spaces will be determined via a lottery system.
Duration: 50 minutes
Leigh and Jay Targaryen
Is The Good Place Really A Comedy?!
The Good Place tackled many deep and profound topics of philosophy and identity during its four-year run, but some potential viewers dismissed it sight unseen as an American situation comedy. How much does The Good Place owe to the expectations and pacing of sitcoms? Could it have explored and expanded on its ideas better in a different format? Is The Good Place comedic, humorous drama, or something else altogether?
Duration: 50 minutes
Bob Oliver (Moderator),
Brick Barrientos,
Doc Coleman,
Sarah Pinsker,
Alex Wittenberg
3 PM
Update on Space Medicine and Therapeutics for Enduring Safe Off-World Travel
Duration: 50 minutes
Eleanor O’Rangers
History and Folklore,
How to Mine History for New Stories
We are all aware that history is constantly mined for story ideas in genre fiction. In addition to alternative histories and steampunk, there are entire fantasy series written with one historical time period in mind. What time periods, events, or even entire cultures are mis- or underutilized, and why? How can creators research potential “new” opportunities and use them to tell new stories?
Duration: 50 minutes
Alan Smale (Moderator),
Day Al-Mohamed,
Jean Cooper,
Roberta Rogow,
Melissa Scott
Making Your Self-Published Book Look Good
To compete in a crowded market, your book must be polished inside and out. The presenters will discuss visual standards for covers, interiors, and marketing images, resources for the DIY set, plus when and how to seek out expert help.
Duration: 50 minutes
Scott and Starla Huchton
There is No Finish Line: Momentum for Writers
Experienced writers who have been on the roller coaster for a while know the big secret: you never really “make it.” Just because you’ve sold one book doesn’t mean you’ll sell the next one, and just because you didn’t sell the last one doesn’t mean the next one won’t hit big. Our panel offers tips and strategies for maintaining the will to keep creating.
Duration: 50 minutes
Joshua Bilmes (Moderator),
D.H. Aire,
Keith R.A. DeCandido,
Scott Edelman,
L. Marie Wood
Guest of Honor,
Cheshire Moon Kaffeeklatsch
Bring your beverage of choice and come hang out with Guest of Honor Eric Coleman and Lizzie Crowe. Some spaces will be determined via a lottery system.
Duration: 50 minutes
Eric Coleman and Lizzie Crowe
4 PM
Synthetic Biology: Engineering Artificial And Natural Components For Biological Factories
Synthetic Biology is the art and science of extending the biologically possible to produce results that are currently impossible. A majority of SynBio researchers are interested in solving practical problems, such as modifying inborn errors of mutation that cause genetic diseases, driving out invasive pests using gene drives, or developing plants that can self-adjust their suite of small molecule toxins to repel emerging pathogens. However, there are plenty of wilder aims of SynBio research, including developing completely novel genetic codes, resurrecting long-dead organisms, and making novel proteins that are compatible with living organisms but have unique functional abilities. The panel will discuss both the pragmatic and the wild side of SynBio research; audience participation is welcome.
Duration: 50 minutes
Jennifer Weller (Moderator),
Anna Kashina,
John Skylar,
Ronald Taylor
How to Self-Edit That Lousy First Draft
Panelists will discuss they’re favorite techniques four editing when they don’t have outside reader, or editor too help. (Clean up before publishing — Ed.)
Duration: 50 minutes
Mark Van Name (Moderator),
Julayne Hughes,
Margaret Riley,
Beth Tanner,
James Stratton
Running RPGs Without Time to Prep
Not everyone has time to write an adventure for their gaming group each week; what’s the shortest prep time you can get away with? We’ll cover tricks for reducing prep time for any game, systems designed to be played with little to no preparation, ways to include players in world- and adventure-building, and the art of improvising your entire adventure at the table.
Duration: 50 minutes
Tamara Curry (Moderator),
Peter Bryant,
Mildred Cady,
Kelly Shannon Pierce
Guest of Honor,
Live Reading
Reading: Wen Spencer
Duration: 50 minutes
Wen Spencer
Live Performance
Bill Laubenheimer Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
5 PM
Weather Satellites: Saving the World from Low-Earth Orbit
How much warning did you get before the last blizzard? Come learn about the advanced instruments on our next generation weather satellites. Hear how they are fueling new science, allowing us to track hurricanes at night, predict river flooding from melted ice, and better warn us about other impending hazards.
Duration: 50 minutes
Valerie Mikles
Zoom Registration
Star Wars: The Saga Ends
The saga that began in 1977 with A New Hope ended in 2019 with Rise of Skywalker. Are we happy with the ending? What would we have liked to see different? Where should Star Wars go now?
Duration: 50 minutes
Jennifer Povey (Moderator),
Thomas Atkinson,
Charlie Brown,
Kim Hargan,
Cerece Rennie Murphy
Live Reading
Reading: R.F. Kuang and Arkady Martine
Duration: 50 minutes
R.F. Kuang,
Arkady Martine
Literary, Writing
Cultures Are Not Monoliths
In science fiction and fantasy, members of cultures are often presented with the same traits, regardless of regional and class distinctions. This can be a result of poor worldbuilding, pacing issues, limited space, or authorial neglect. How can creators add nuance and variety to their imagined societies, and what are good ways to portray this to their audience?
Duration: 50 minutes
Don Sakers (Moderator),
Stephanie Burke,
Melissa Scott,
Vivian Shaw,
John Wiswell
Live Performance
Batya Wittenberg Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
6 PM
Life on a Little Known Planet: The Ant Kingdom, The Update
With nearly 14,000 known species, ants are among the most important terrestrial animals. Despite this enormous diversity, only around 200 ant species have become true pests. Even so, those pest ants can pack quite an economic and ecological punch, with species such as the red-imported fire ant causing a myriad of problems for people and other species. One thing that all pest ants have in common is that they have become globe-trotters, moving along with people all over the planet. The crazy ants (genus Nylanderia), so-called based on the way they move about in a seemingly erratic fashion, are one of the most diverse groups of ants, and contain a few of these important globe-trotting species. We will examine this fascinating group, and see how crazy ants have achieved global domination!
Duration: 50 minutes
John LaPolla, PhD
Bad Transportation Math vs the Speed of Plot
The logistics of travel and travel times don’t always need to be ironclad, but can make for an easily noticed and unpleasant plot-hole, whether in a fantasy setting (with travel on horseback or sailing ships) or in a science fiction setting (with various FTL devices). What are tricks to avoid these holes, and how can apparent errors be reconciled if only caught late in the process?
Duration: 50 minutes
Jean Marie Ward (Moderator),
Julayne Hughes,
Mark Van Name,
Ken Schrader,
Catherine Asaro
Guest of Honor
I Survived a Volcano Eruption
The Big Island of Hawaii is home to five volcanoes, two of which are currently active. In 2018, Kilauea took out over 700 homes in a massive eruption. While I was never in any danger (probably) it was an interesting (and sometimes scary) event to live through. As the locals say: I talk story about living through the eruption.
Duration: 50 minutes
Wen Spencer
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
Live reading
Reading: Al-Mohamed and Martin
Duration: 50 minutes
Day Al-Mohamed,
Gail Z. Martin
7 PM
Art, Science
Astro-Animation 2020: To Explore and Boldly Animate the Universe!
Virtually break out of your house and visit the animated universe! Students at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) have once again been working with scientists at NASA GSFC to produce short animations illustrating, or inspired by, astronomical research. The topics include the Moon, Mars, Titan, neutron stars, and more with some unique twists.
Duration: 50 minutes
Laurence Arcadias,
Robin Corbet
Writing Support Groups — Online and IRL
One of the most important relationships a writer can have is with their writer’s group. Thanks to modern technology writers groups are available online and IRL in a wide range of genres and geographical areas. How does a writer find a group that’s right for them, and how does one get the most out of it?
Duration: 50 minutes
Val Griswold-Ford (Moderator),
Jeanne Adams,
Monica Louzon,
L. Penelope
Fan interest,
Grappling With Gender
Gender and gender roles permeate every aspect of our culture. How does a writer imagine and build another world with different genders when it’s hard to understand just how deeply ingrained these thoughts are?
Duration: 50 minutes
Jay Stilipec (Moderator),
Bill Laubenheimer,
Valerie J. Mikles
Live Reading
Reading: Hughes and Palmer
Duration: 50 minutes
Keith Hughes, Ada Palmer
8 PM
Literary, Science
Pandemics: Real Life vs Fiction
Now that we are in a real-life pandemic, we have the opportunity to compare with the decades of pandemic fiction that have gone before. What fiction served as good preparation for the things going on in the world today? What surprised us about the current global emergency that fiction couldn’t have prepared us for? Panelists will discuss these questions, as well as pointing out examples of pandemic-related fiction that show us other ways that these circumstances can go.
Duration: 50 minutes
John Skylar (Moderator),
Carmen Bob,
Dr. Harold Bob,
Anna Kashina
Zoom Registration
Twitch Rerun
Guest of Honor,
Choosing Your Perspective
What options does a writer have in choosing the point of view for their narrative? What kinds of stories are best suited by first-, third-, and even second-person narration? What are some ways that you can combine them, and when should you?
Duration: 50 minutes
Ada Palmer (Moderator),
Meriah Crawford,
Jo Walton
L. Marie Wood
History and Folklore
The Invalid Corps: Film and Q&A
Day Al-Mohamed will present her award-winning 28-minute documentary on the Invalid Corps and the Civil War, an historical narrative that has been erased from history books due to the stigma against people with disabilities. A Q&A session will follow.
Duration: 50 minutes
Day Al-Mohamed
Live Reading
Reading: Ambrose and Van Loan
Duration: 50 minutes
E.C. Ambrose,
Ryan Van Loan
Live Performance
T.J. and Mitchell Burnside-Clapp Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
Balticon 54 Virtual Film Festival, Part 1
See Virtual Film Festival page for the film list.
Duration: 1 hour 27 minutes
9 PM
Science, Writing
Mauled Men, Drowned Dames & Crispy Critters: A Body Disposal Primer for Writers
You’re writing your fabulous novel and you absolutely HAVE to kill someone to make the plot work. You want to tangle everyone up over wills, funerals, murder, mysterious death or serious mayhem, so someone’s got to die, right? But then what? Then there’s that annoying dead guy/gal/thing to dispose of. Decisions, decisions! Is an autopsy necessary? What about a funeral and burial? How long does it take a body to decompose? What about sharks as a body disposal method? What’s body disposal gonna look like in the future? Lots of plot possibilities, but the details! Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the pernicious particulars of what happens to a body after death and how you can use the legion of minutiae to trip up your characters, throw them together or drive them apart. Learn about embalming, burying, vaults, cremation, reconstructive cosmetics, coroner’s reports, death certificates and more at this get-the-basics research seminar. Note: This item will not be recorded.
Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes
Jeanne Adams
Retcons and Continuity Errors in Doctor Who
Canon in Doctor Who is a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.. stuff. Major events are given multiple contradictory explanations, undone, and even re-done. How do fans deal with an ever-shifting and inconsistent conception of what counts… and what doesn’t? Should they?
Duration: 50 minutes
Andrew Love, Jr. (Moderator),
Thomas Atkinson,
Brick Barrientos,
Doc Coleman,
Jennifer Povey
Live Performance,
Dead Robots' Society LIVE!
Join a live recording of the infamous Dead Robots’ Society, a podcast for aspiring writers, by aspiring writers.
Duration: 50 minutes
Paul Cooley,
Chris Lester,
Terry Mixon,
Scott Roche
Live Reading
Reading: Burke and Riley
Duration: 50 minutes
Stephanie Burke,
Margaret Riley
Live Performance
Gary Ehrlich Concert
Duration: 50 minutes
10 PM
Fan interest
Dirty Mad Libs
Take a few creatives, their best works of erotica, remove some key words, and have onlookers fill in the blanks. It’s audience participation at its best with dirty mad libs! For adults only.

Duration: 50 minutes
Nobilis Reed (Moderator),
Grig Larson,
Stephanie Burke,
Charlie Brown,
Val Griswold-Ford
Blues/Slow Dance Party
Get your dance shoes on and move to the music! Uninterrupted dance tunes for slow, bluesy improvisational dancing, solo or with your quarantine pod! Share your moves on video or keep the camera off if you prefer privacy or just want to listen in.
Duration: 50+ minutes
Susan de Guardiola
Live Performance
Sunday Open Filk
Come sing the night away, or just stop by for a listen!
Duration: 2+ hours
Balticon 54 Virtual Film Festival, Part 2
See Virtual Film Festival page for the film list.
Duration: 1 hour 33 minutes
MONDAY, May 25
Monday schedule

Session Title
Session Access
10 AM
The Left Fin of Darkness: Sexual Fluidity in Animals
Imagine for a moment what wouldn’t exist if we lived in an alternative world in which we were all hermaphrodites: Two types of bathrooms. Sexism. Mother-in-law jokes. Title IX. Sexual orientation and gender identity. In Le Guin’s classic novel The Left Hand of Darkness, readers are invited to ponder a society in which biological sex is fluid and gender is a non-issue. This is science fiction for our species, but not for others. In this presentation, Dr. Haag will take you on a tour of the ways that sex differences develop and evolve in animal and will share his laboratory’s nascent research on a fascinating little fish that breaks all the rules of normal sex, yet thrives in a very challenging habitat.
Duration: 50 minutes
Eric Haag, PhD,
University of Maryland
Fleshing Out Your Cast
So you’ve come up with an amazingly detailed and interesting main character — what about everyone else? How do you develop a supporting cast of distinct and nuanced characters to fill out your story and build audience investment? We’ll talk about how to create the sidekicks, antagonists, fellow travellers, and memorable one-offs that make a story distinct and vibrant.
Duration: 50 minutes
D.H. Aire (Moderator),
Kim Hargan,
Cerece Rennie Murphy,
Kaaron Warren,
Ted Weber
Literary, Reading, Writing
The Solo Novel in Genre Fiction
The novel series is the current standard in genre storytelling, but there has been a resurgence in solo novels. What are the advantages and disadvantages of telling a story contained within a single book? How does the writer’s approach (and the reader’s perspective) change when they know the final page is truly the end?
Duration: 50 minutes
Joshua Bilmes (Moderator),
Melissa L. Hayden,
Michael M. Jones,
Sarah Pinsker,
Ken Schrader
Live Reading
Reading: Kaplan and Smale
Duration: 50 minutes
A.L. Kaplan,
Alan Smale
11 AM
Clocks in the Rocks: Determining the Ages of Fossils and Rocks
How long ago did the first humans arise? When did the asteroid smack into Mexico and make the world a lot less interesting? In other words, how do we tell geologic time? A look at some of the different techniques geologists use to unravel the dates and sequence of events in Earth history. (Note: it is more than carbon-14 and radiometric dating).
Duration: 50 minutes
Thomas Holtz, Jr., PhD
Worldbuilding for GMs
Are you ready to pitch your new homebrew setting to your gaming group? We’ll talk about how to make your world engaging to your players, both through its inherent design and through the ways they will interact with it at the table. We’ll also cover collaborative worldbuilding, and the ways players will change your initial vision, intentionally or not.
Duration: 50 minutes
James Mendez Hodes (Moderator),
Tamara Curry,
Kelly Shannon Pierce
The Three Laws And Beyond
As first expressed by Isaac Asimov, the Three Laws of Robotics have remained one of the consistent reference points when writing artificial lifeforms. Why have these laws endured, and should they be amended?
Duration: 50 minutes
John French (Moderator),
Meriah Crawford,
Keith Hughes,
Alex Wittenberg,
Andrew Love, Jr
Live Reading
Reading: Povey and Sakers
Duration: 50 minutes
Jennifer Povey,
Don Sakers
12 PM
Likely Hosts for Life in the Solar System
Life resides in all sorts of environments here on Earth, even in such seemingly inhospitable spots as solid rock 3 miles down, scalding hot water vents, Antarctic lakes under glaciers, and mountain tops at nearly 30,000 feet. But if we look around carefully, we find organic materials in all sorts of places in our Solar System. Putting these two observations together we can consider the possibilities of life existing (past and/or present) in other locales among our planets and moons. Let’s explore! Note: This item will not be recorded.
Duration: 50 minutes
Inge Heyer
Oh No! My Beloved Peasant Village!
A loner riding into town on a dark and stormy night. The last survivor of a doomed expedition. A young person newly married into a family of dark secrets. Why do we keep seeing the same narrative openings used long after they have become cliche? What emotions do these scenarios tap into, and how else can we get the journey we want our characters to have?
Duration: 50 minutes
Mark Van Name (Moderator),
Melissa L. Hayden,
Daniel M. Ford,
Beth Tanner,
Batya Wittenberg
Fan interest
What Do You Want to See at a Worldcon?
Come talk to the co-chairs and senior staff of DisCon III about what you would like to see at the 79th Worldcon.
Duration: 50 minutes
Lisa Adler-Golden,
Gadi Evron,
Colette Fozard,
Bill Lawhorn
Reference Like an Artist
How do you make your alien convincing? Why do some dragons just look…wrong? Archer Losely (aka bluestonearcher) will discuss using reference material effectively, why it’s important (even for an established artist), and how one keeps their sanity in the process. He will even humiliate himself (to teach his audience) by taking prompts LIVE from attendees and demonstrate why it really does help to look at the world around you. It’s not cheating. It’s arting smart.
Duration: 50 minutes
Archer Losely
1 PM
Live Performance,
The Daily Space Live and Produced
Most Mondays through Fridays we produce a fast-paced round up of all that is new in Space and Astronomy. In this session, we’ll take you behind the scenes to see what it takes to go from science papers to produced podcast with straight-to-camera coming somewhere in between. (Oh, and we’ll do the news for you live)
Duration: 50 minutes
Pamela Gay and various members of the CosmoQuest Build Team
Turning the Starship of State: Government in SF
Politics wonks will discuss works of fiction that do politics right (or wrong), how to build fictional governments when you want to stay close to familiar territory, and how to envision systems based on transformative technology and non-human civilizations.
Duration: 50 minutes
Bud Sparhawk (Moderator),
Day Al-Mohamed,
Arkady Martine,
Ted Weber,
Alex Wittenberg
Novel, Novella or Short Story?
What is the right length for your story idea? How does outlining, submitting, revising, and other aspects of the writing craft change with story length? How do you go about rewriting a story for a drastically different word count? Panelists will discuss various techniques they have used and the pros and cons of each.
Duration: 50 minutes
Don Sakers (Moderator),
Monica Louzon,
Karen Osborne,
Sarah Pinsker,
Margaret Riley
Live Reading
Reading: Schrader and Wiswell
Duration: 50 minutes
Ken Schrader, John Wiswell
Balticon 54 Virtual Film Festival, Part 1 (rerun)
See Virtual Film Festival page for the film list.
Duration: 1 hour 27 minutes
2 PM
Remote STEM Learning
The shift to remote education brought on by the COVID‑19 pandemic raises many issues, particularly in STEM fields based around lab work. From maintaining student engagement to the effect on standardized testing to YouTube physics demonstrations, a panel of professionals with a wide range of educational experience will discuss the problems and benefits of moving to a virtual classroom.
Duration: 50 minutes
Tom Holtz (Moderator),
Catherine Asaro,
Art Boorman,
Sam Lubell,
John Monahan
Outlining vs. Pantsing
Some storytellers require a detailed outline to start fleshing out their story, but others prefer to write by the seat of the pants. What are some techniques to help you get better at one when you prefer the other?
Duration: 50 minutes
A.L. Kaplan (Moderator),
Charlie Brown,
J.L. Gribble,
Vivian Shaw,
Ryan Van Loan
Live Reading
Reading: French and Griswold-Ford
Duration: 50 minutes
John L. French,
Val Griswold-Ford
Filk/Music, Live Performance
Dead Dog Filk
Come sing the afternoon away at the dead dog filk.
Duration: 2+ hours
3 PM
Fan interest
Improving Balticon
Come talk to us about how we did this year, our first virtual convention.
Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes
Michael Rafferty,
Eric Gasior,
Lisa Adler-Golden
Balticon 54 Virtual Film Festival, Part 2 (rerun)
See Virtual Film Festival page for the film list.
Duration: 1 hour 33 minutes