MAY 23 - 26, 2025

RPG Gaming
Balticon 59 will have four tables of drop-in and round-the-clock tabletop role-playing games (RPG) where attendees can join one of our scheduled sessions. Games will take place between 2 PM Friday and 3 PM Monday.
GMs Needed!
We are recruiting GMs with diverse interests and broad experiences running various game systems. You can expect that the offerings this year will run the gamut of genres, settings, and historical epochs! GMs may prepare a single drop-in session, or plan a game over multiple days and times.
We need volunteers to manage the RPG room. Responsibilities include keeping track of game sign-up sheets, letting GMs know when their session is almost over, helping to make sure tables are ready for the next game, and having fun. If interested, let our volunteer coordinator know by filling out this form:
Have any RPG ideas you’d like to see at the convention? Please contact by February 28, 2025.
Thanks and “may all your hits be crits!”
— The Balticon 59 RPG Team
Scheduled Games & Demos
Games in our Library