Dealer's Room

Balticon's Dealers' Room is sold out, but please send us your contact information so that we know how to contact you next year!

Balticon 45 Vendors

Anapuma Fantasy Jewelry and Accessories

Angel Crafts

Bayside Books of Maryland - Timothy Doyle

The Book House - Larry Klase

Caldron Crafts

Calligraphic Buttons

Channel 37

Dark Quest Books - Danielle Ackley-McPhail

Double Dragon - Bethlynne Prellwitz

Dragon Moon Press

Fantastic Books

Firefly Cargo Bay

The Five Witts

Fortress Publishing, Inc.

Frank's Cool Stuff

Galacci Gifts

Griffons Claw Armory

Henderson's Books - Collectable hardcover books

Honeck Sculpture

Hourglass Creations - Catherine Madigan

Janet Kofoed Jewelry

K Studio

Luna City Books

The Missing Volume

Nightshade Industries, LLC

Nineteen O'three

Old Earth Books

Poison Pen Press

Randolph's Scriptorium Tools

R.E. Piland, Goldsmiths

The Sandscrafter

Scherer Glass

Darrell Schweitzer

Solomon's Mine

Somewhere In Time Books - Jean Gonzalez


Tales From The White Hart

13th Hour Books

Marshall Thomas

Tiger Torre Art - Jennifer Torre-Oatis

Undiscovered Treasures - Chris Cowan

Very Personally Yours

The Worlds of Michael D'Ambrosio

To All Balticon 45 Dealers' Room Applicants:

Balticon's Dealers' Room is sold out, but please send us your contact information so that we know how to contact you next year!

Balticon 45 Dealers Room Information

  1. Table information:
    1. Tables cost $130 each and are about 6 foot by 30 inches.
    2. Memberships are included with the first and second tables only (one membership per Table). If you are a program participant, please use a different name (use the business name or use 1st and middle initials instead of first name) for the dealer badge that comes with the table.
    3. There is a limit of 3 tables per dealer and the number of three-table blocks will be limited
  2. Dealers and their help must have memberships to Balticon 45.
  3. Requests postmarked before January 3, 2011, will be returned.
  4. Decisions will likely be made in March of 2011.
  5. No request will be considered without payment.
  6. No request will be considered without a description of merchandise to be sold.
  7. If you have special requests i.e., wall space, electric, next to someone, let us know and we will try, but make no promises.
  8. There will be no subletting or resale of tables without permission from Balticon 45.
  9. Children should have alternate area to go to should they become a problem.
  10. Rules for Balticon dealers:
    1. NOTHING is allowed to be hung from or leaned against the walls;
    2. NOTHING is allowed to be in the aisles -- THIS INCLUDES CHAIRS;
    3. No bondage gear;
    4. No sound making devices (use headphones);
    5. No open flames, this includes, candles, oil lamps, and incense;
    6. Weapons must be wrapped upon sale;
    7. No sale of food, drink, or edibles will be allowed.

Checks will be cashed only if you are accepted, if not your check will be returned. If you have not heard back one way or the other by April 1st, something has gone astray and you should contact me (Larry Sands) at the email address or phone number below.

Dealers' Room Hours are:

   Day & Date Setup Hours Open to the Public
     Friday, May 27, 2011      Noon to 4:00 pm       4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
     Saturday, May 28, 2011      9:00 to 10:00 am       10:00 pm to 6:00 pm
     Sunday, May 29, 2011      9:30 to 10:00 am       10:30 am to 5:00 pm
     Monday, May 30, 2011      9:30 to 10:00 am       10:30 am to 3:00 pm

We must be clear of the room by 6:00 pm on Monday. If you need more than three hours to pack, please get started early.

     Balticon 45
     Larry Sands
     PO Box 70013
     Rosedale, MD 21237

All materials copyright © 2010 Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc., unless otherwise noted.