The Balticon 44 hotel is the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn, 245 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031 (Phone: 410-785-7000)

Balticon has a special rate of $135 per night, plus taxes and fees. To make a reservation online, use the Marriott Hunt Valley Balticon website:

For reservations by phone, call 800-228-9290 and tell them you are attending Balticon.

If you need special accommodations, or have any questions or problems, please email hotel AT balticon DOT org.


Directions from Baltimore-Washington International Airport:

Find and take I-95 or I-295 North. Follow the Points South info below.

From Washington, DC and Points South:

Take I-95 North until you reach I-695. Take the left-lane exit North towards Towson onto I-695. From I-695, take I-83 North towards York, PA. and then follow I-83 North.

From Points North via I-95:

Take I-95 South to I-695. Take the I-695 exit West towards Towson. From I-695, take the I-83 exit North towards York, PA. Then follow I-83 North directions below.

I-83 North:

Five miles North of the I-695/I-83 interchange is exit 20A, Shawan Road East. Take this exit, the hotel is at the bottom of the ramp on the right.

From Points North via I-83:

Take I-83 South and get off at exit 20A, Shawan Road East. After going under the highway, you must immediately cut across the ramp on the right to take a right turn into the hotel entrance. Or, continue to the light, take a right turn, and another right turn into the parking lot of the office building on the right. Go around the office building, and you can get to the hotel through the parking lot..


There is free parking around the hotel on all sides. Huge free parking lots on the east side of the hotel. Do remember to lock your cars and hide valuables; even though we are outside the urban area, please take precautions typical of a suburban shopping mall's parking lot.

Public Transportation:

Light Rail runs between the Hunt Valley Mall (across and up the street from our hotel) in the north, and BWI in the south. Trains run until at least 11 pm on weekdays, 7 pm on Sundays and holidays, but if you travel during non-peak times you may have to transfer trains to get to Hunt Valley.

There are two stations you can use. The Hunt Valley station is at the intersection of Shawan Road and York Road, which is about 3 blocks from the hotel. You can walk to the hotel by crossing Shawan Road, a four lane highway, and walking 3 blocks west on Shawan Road.

The Pepper Road Station is the stop before the Hunt Valley Station. Get off at Pepper Road and walk west on Pepper Road for one block. Look to your northwest, the big brick hotel that does not have a sign is the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn. Cross Pepper Road and then cross the huge parking lots to get there. This stop is closer and you don't need to cross a four lane highway.

Bring rolling luggage or a dolly because it is a walk either way. Check with the MTA for exact rail schedule. You can also call MTA at 410-539-5000.

If you have a reservation at the hotel call them at 410-785-7000 once you get to the Light Rail Station, and they will pick you up if the van is available. If you do not have a reservation you can call Jimmy's Cab Company at 410-296- 7200 and they will move you the 1500 ft. to the hotel. (four football fields in length distance).

AMTRAK: You will arrive at Penn Station (downtown Baltimore - avoid middle of night due to no light rail, check schedules). You can reach AMTRAK at 800-523-8720 or 800-872-7245. Then take the Light Rail north to the hotel or find a taxi.

Greyhound: You will arrive in downtown Baltimore at 2110 Hains St. You can take the 27 bus to travel 0.9 mi. to the Camden Yards station, or walk 0.5 mi. to the Hamburg Street Light Rail station and take it to the hotel. Check schedules to make sure you can make connections.

BWI Airport: Airport General Information: 800-435-9294 or 410-859-7100 or 410-859-7111. Take Light Rail or one of the Shuttle Services based at the Airport.