Virtual Balticon 55 Announcement

The Baltimore Science Fiction Society (BSFS) and Balticon look forward to once again holding in-person events when it is safe to do so, but the health of our membership, guests, and volunteer staff is our top priority. Accordingly, we will be holding Balticon 55 as an online event on May 28-31, 2021.

We apologize for the delay in this announcement. While we anticipated that the 2021 Balticon would be virtual, we needed to finalize key details with our host hotel regarding future Balticons before announcing this change.

We will continue to roll over previously-purchased memberships towards our next in-person Balticon. If you have any questions or need further membership information, please email Registration at

While Virtual Balticon 55 will be a free online event, it does not come without cost to BSFS. Like last year, we will be launching a GoFundMe campaign with great swag at each giving level. As always, you can donate to BSFS and Balticon year-round through PayPal.

Please sign up here to receive updates about Virtual Balticon 55 including when our GoFundMe campaign launches. This list will only be used to share important updates and announcements about the convention. We promise not to flood your inbox.

We look forward to a fantastic con that offers our usual amazing programming. Keep yourselves safe and healthy so we can meet in person again soon.


The Balticon Planning Committee