Jody A. Lee

Jody A. Lee has been illustrating professionally since 1981. Her work has centered primarily on illustrating book covers, game packages, and interior book illustrations. Jody also sells limited edition prints of her work through Fantastic Art and Firebird Arts & Music. Her clients have included the publishing companies of Tor, Bantam Doubleday Dell, Warner, and DAW Books, among others, but now she works exclusively with the latter. She has illustrated the book covers of numerous authors, and is currently doing covers for Mercedes Lackey, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Kate Elliot, Fiona Patton, Michelle West, & Tanya Huff. She has also done the illustrations for many well known children's authors, such as Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L'Engle, and Zilpha Keatly Snyder, and a fully illustrated edition of Anne of Green Gables. She is a member of the Association of Science Fiction & Fantasy Artists, of the Graphic Arists Guild, and a former chair of their Professional Practices Committee. Media

Jody works in oils or acrylic on gesso prepared illustration board. She prepares each painting with a photo shoot, numerous sketches, and much research. In acrylics, she painstakingly builds up layers of luminous color to a tightly executed watercolor effect. In oils, she uses the creaminess of her medium for a bolder, more vivid look, with ink outlines to keep the design intact. She often incorporates metallic gold or silver designs as symbols of magic in her art. Jody's work is unique in its combination of fine character portraiture, spatial design of the page, and brilliant color schemes.

Art Shows & Awards

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Jody lives in White Plains, New York with her husband Tom Ingram, a financial consultant for Merrill Lynch, and their son Ty, a toddler. Their hobbies used to be physical fitness and sailboat racing; now they have sunk into the abyss of baby worship. Jody's work was once regularly to be seen at the Worldcon and other major Northeastern cons, but parenthood has made attendance very difficult. This is a rare chance to see in person the latest work of this fine artist.

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