As with any large convention, the committee can not do it alone. We hope that you would like to help your convention run even better than before. All we ask are a few hours of your time. Anyone who volunteers will have access to our staff den, which will be a place to relax away from the maddening crowds. There will be appropriate snacks available in the den. And, as is our custom, those who volunteer more than 10 hours will receive our Volunteers t-shirt. Which is not available to the general attendee. If you would like to Volunteer ahead of time, please check the box on the registration page and the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you about what you would like to do.
(You can also volunteer at the con).

For more information, or to be put on the mailing list for volunteers, check the appropriate box on the Balticon Registration form, or send an E-mail message (include "volunteer" in the subject line) to

Balticon 31 Home Page.
Go to the BSFS Home Page.
Last modified - 1997 by Jeff Poretsky