Balticon 34's Costume Programs - Schedule and Descriptions

Balticon 34 is offering a number of costuming panels and two limited-space workshops this year.

The programs will take place in the Jefferson Room (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), and Adams Room (Saturday only).

Workshops do not require Advance Registration; however, there will be a limited number of workshop materials available. If you would like to participate in these workshops, please let us know in advance, and we can reserve a pack of materials for you.

While there is a participant limit for the workshops, additional observation spaces may be available.

Contact Costume Program coordinator Betsy Delaney at or 301-617-2798 for more information or to reserve your space in advance for these workshops.

Jefferson Room

Friday Saturday Sunday

6pm - 8pm
(2 hours)

Beadwork (Workshop)
Lisa Ashton
($5 fee; includes materials)

A 2 hour workshop for learning the basics in beadwork edge-beading, applique and other techniques.

10am - 11am

Klingon Costume
Cheryl Koblinsky, Terry Smith, Kevin Burgess

How do you create your own Klingon outfit? Members of the Imperial Klingon Battle Fleet will explain it all for you.


11am - Noon

Klingon Culture
Cheryl Koblinsky, Terry Smith, Kevin Burgess

Now that you know how to look like a Klingon, what do you do once you have it? Learn the Klingon language and customs, and get ideas for creating your own Klingon persona from members of the Imperial Klingon Battle Fleet.

11am - 1pm
(2 hours)

Medieval for Beginners
Sandy Swank

This hands-on class is oriented toward folks who need basic field or peasant style garb for renaissance or SCA style events. Learn how to make basic a T-tunic and mongol pants in this two-hour demo.

8pm - 9pm

Applying Glitz
Amanda Allen, Diane Kovalcin & Susan Toker

Use glue, paint and other media to apply sequins, stones and so on to fabric and props.

Noon - 2pm
(2 hours)

Brian Healy, Andrew Bergstrom

Learn some of the cool things you can do with plastic to make armor, props and other costume items.

9pm - 10pm

Gilding the Lily
Diane Kovalcin & Susan Toker

Learn how to apply metalic leaf to 3-D objects for interesting effects.

1pm - 2pm

Making Fangs
Marvin Bryant

Check out this demo for a quick and easy way to make fangs.


2pm - 4pm
(2 hours)

Antique Ribbonwork (Workshop)
Diane Kovalcin, Susan Toker
($5 fee; includes materials)

This two hour workshop provides instruction on various trimming techniques using ribbonwork, giving you elegant ways to finish your costume or hat.

Reservations Recommended

4pm - 6pm
(2 hours)

Gadgets and Gizmos
Ming Diaz, Marvin Bryant

Want to know how to wire your outfit, headpiece, wand, staff, belts-buttons-bows, wedding cake, or entire outfit with lights or flash or even lasers? None of these techniques are difficult or male-oriented, and you need only add your imagination to create eye-catching effects. Batteries not required until you start sewing.

Adams Room

Saturday Only

10am - 12 noon
(2 hours)

GCFCG Auction
Sharon Landrum, Amanda Allen, Ric Rader, Ann Stephens

Pick up an interesting costume item and help out the local International Costumers' Guild chapter (sponsors of the After-Masquerade Party).

12 noon - 1:30pm
(1½ hours)

Recreation Costumes
Diane Kovalcin, Carol Salemi, Lisa Ashton

Learn how to take that movie costume, comic book character or book cover from a two-dimensional image to a three-dimensional costume.

1:30pm - 3pm
(1½ hours)

Researching Your Historical
Rob Himmelsbach, Sandy Swank, Judy Mitchell, Dan Delaney

Are you wondering how to find out more about that Victorian outfit you've been meaning to make? Don't know where to start with your 10th Century Viking? Check this panel out for research tips, documentation hints and lots of references!

3pm - 4pm

An Introduction to Costume-Con 18
Jill Eastlake, and friends

Learn about CC18, this Memorial Day weekend in Hartford, CT. You can still affect the program and learn about how King Arthur meets space technology. How do you get to be a Costume-Con? Come and find out.

4pm - 6pm
(2 hours)

The Annual Balticon Costume Swap Meet
Betsy Delaney (Moderator)

Bring your fabric, sequins, shoes, and anything else you think might be someone else's treasure, and swap/trade/bargain at Balticon again this year! Leftovers can go home with you, or be donated to the con for a tax-deductible receipt.

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