Last minute program changes are always possible, however this schedule is the final version going to the pocket program typesetter. Authors or program participants will be added to panels at last minute as available--in some cases. This schedule is in no particular order so download and read at your convenience to avoid missing the good stuff.
Saturday in Douglass 9:00am--12noon.
Saturday in Douglass Room.
Panel Discussion: Publishing & Marketing Your SF/Fantasy Poetry
Vonnie Winslow Crist, David W. Kriebel, Patti Kinlock
"Poetry Beyond the Stars: Featured and Open Poetry Reading"
Bring your SF/Fantasy poetry to share!
"Poetry Writing Workshop: Bring Pen, Paper & Your Imagination!"
Bring a short poem for editorial critiquing and discussion with the
"StarLite Poetry Competition" Annoucement & Rules
Jefferson Room on Friday:
Card Art: Ins and Outs of the Market
L. Moyer, B. Wackwitz
What's your Platform, man?
panelists: J. Bellofatto, L. Moyer, RiKK
Saturday in Peale Room:
Acrylic Painting Prep: Cutting and preparing masonite:
R. Wayt Smith (As part of this panel, Bob Smith and Rikk will
work on a painting start to finish)
Airbrush Demo:
Taylor Blanchard
Texture Techniques
Lynn Perkins
Painting Flesh Tones
Mark Rogers
Painting Demo
Susan Van Camp
Wrap Up The final Touches
R. Wayt Smith
Sunday in Jefferson Room:
3D Art: A discussion
D. Horne, J. Weyland, L. Reynolds
Erotic of Pornographic, when does Art cross the Line?
panelists: L. Moyer, J. Bellofatto, D. Horne, J. Weyland, L.
Hallelujah Chorus from 11:30-12:15am. Friday in Poe.
OTHER/REST OF FILK:Friday 8:00PM, Adams
Filk: Do It Yourself
You can build an instrument from the things you find at home.
Friday 9:00PM, Adams
Filk: 1/2 hour concert slot. Performer TBA.
Friday 9:30PM, Adams
Filk: 1/2 hour concert slot. Performer TBA.
Friday 10:00PM, Adams - Steven Joel Zeve
Filk: Name that panel
Your disorganized filk coordinator has run out of ideas and can't find that last list of recommendations. What would you like to see in filk programming in the future?
Saturday 4:00PM, Jefferson - Mary Ellen Wessels
Filk: MEW on Practical Harmony
One of filk's great harmonists (and victims of her choice) talks informally to us about the art of singing harmony.
Saturday 5:00PM, Jefferson
Filk: 1/2 hour concert slot. Performer TBA.
Saturday 5:30PM, Jefferson
Filk: 1/2 hour concert slot. Performer TBA.
Saturday 6:00PM, Jefferson
Filk: The Songs You Ought to Know
What are the most important/greatest/best filk songs? What criteria should we apply to identify them?
Saturday 7:00PM, Jefferson
Filk: 1/2 hour concert slot. Performer TBA.
Saturday 7:30PM, Jefferson
Filk: 1/2 hour concert slot. Performer TBA.
Sunday 1:00PM, Jefferson
Filk: What Isn't Filk
The debate continues to rage on about "what is filk". Maybe that's the wrong question. Are we a musical genre? Or are we a community? Or should we even care about the answer to this question?
Sunday 2:00PM, Jefferson
Filk: One Shots
Late Night/Open Filk:
Friday 11:00PM, Pratt A
Filk: Open Filk, Chaos Style
Friday 11:00PM, Pratt B
Filk: Open Filk, Bardic Style
Saturday 10:00PM, Pratt A
Filk: Open Filk, Chaos Style
Saturday 7:30PM, Jefferson
Filk: Open Filk, Bardic Style
The format is
ROOM - Time
[double space]
particpants listed by First Initial Last Name
Autographing & readings, will be posted at con.
Poe - 3pm
Who's Wearing the Cowl?
To what extent is Batman a reflection of his era? From the 1930's "man who
punches everything" to the camp of the 50's, the superhero caricature of
the 70's, Miller's Dark Knight and the subsequent movies that have now
drifted away, this character has undergone myriad metamorphoses. Why?
S. Green, R. Frane, B. Clough, S. Stiles
Poe - 4pm
Is This Your First Convention?
This strange sub-culture you*ve just wandered into has a 60 plus history
and traditions. Here*s how to not embarras yourself. And how to survive
late nights & early mornings at the con.
R. Rogow, E. Stiles
Poe - 5pm
Science and a Belief in God: Consistent or Inconsistent?
Perhaps rather more relevant this weekends than most...
R. Frezza, E. Kotani, C. Ryan
Carroll - 3pm
Neglected Masters of SF
L. Lake, L. Watt-Evans, H. Turtledove
Carrol - 4pm
Alternative lifestyles: Straight, monogamous couples.
C. Sheffiel, N. Kress, E. Whitley
Carrol - 5pm
So, ya wanna be a writer? The Business of Writing.
Taxes. Rights. Double spacing your manuscripts.
A. C. Crispin, M. Capobianco, L. Watt-Evans
Adams - 4pm
The Secret Handgrip of Fandom, Lime Jell-O, and Who Sawed Courtney's Boat:
Faanish History; Or, How You Too Can Talk Like An Old-timer.
The folks who put on Balticon are part of a tradition that stretches back
60 years, find out the myths & legends of this culture. Bring a friend to
practice the Secret Handgrip with (on?). (Praise Roscoe!)
J. Chalker, C. Ellis, R. Ridenour
Adams - 5pm
Death As A Career Move: Philip K Dick, Theodore Sturgeon, Avram Davidson, H
Beam Piper.
Virtually all of Philip K Dick is now in-print, an event that probably
never happened during his lifetime. The Complete Short Fiction of Theodore
Sturgeon is being reissued in a projected 10 volume set. Avram Davidson is
virtually out-of-print. Only one book by H Beam Piper is in print. What
C. Sheffield, D. Schweitzer, J. Chalker
Adams - 6pm
What SF books do you give to your child?
H. Clement, E. Whitley, C. Sheffield
Adams - 7pm
Dystopias and Holocausts.
When it's time to warn the world, what are the advantages and disadvantages
of the various media? Storytelling like "Maus," "Brasil," "The Wall," "1984
(book and movie)," "V for Vendetta," and "Animal Farm" have offered similar
messages told in very different ways.
J. McDaid, R. Ridenour
Carrol - 10am
Could Starship Troopers be published today? Would it have been nominated
for a Hugo?
Panelists & audience are requested to ignore the movie & deal with the
question about the book.
R. Frezza, E. Kotani, D. Persons
Carrol - 11am
Astrology, Tarot, Creation Science: The Flight From Science & Reason.
Popular subjects demolished before your very eyes.
H. Clement, G. Keyes, L. Lake, E. Kotani
Carrol - 12noon
Bring Home The Bacon, Fry It Up In A Pan; or, Women in SF: How Much
When girls/young women are looking for role-models, who's hot and
who's not? Who's good and who's bad? Podkayne? Wonder Woman? B'Lanna? Xena?
Ripley? Media accessibility is a big part of any role-model's ability to
influence society.
C. Ryan, N. Kress, W. Frane, J. Lamplighter
Carrol - 1pm
Who Killed Science Fiction?
Late last year Spider Robinson posted a commentary on the internet
concerning the declining printruns of his books and the general death of
what is known in publishing as the *mid-list*. Is the genre being harmed,
or even killed, by the apparent growing reliance by publishers on
mega-sellers and media tie books? Or is this nothing new? Who's to blame:
publishers? The public?
S. Edelman, C. Sheffield, J. Chalker, R. Meluch
Carrol - 2pm
From *Doc* Smith to Iain Banks & Stephen Baxter: Space Opera!
It*s not dead, Jim; just wearing a different set of clothes.
R. Meluch, C. Sheffield, H Clement, J. Wright
Carrol - 3pm
Sci Fi vs. SF: The Meaning of It All
*For fans, outsiders are identifiable not so much by their failure to use
certain terms as by their tendency to misuse others. The best example of
this is perhaps sf, the usual contraction used by sf fans; journalists and
other nonsympathetic outsiders can readily be identified by their use of
the repugnant sci-fi .* Peter Roberts and John Clute in The
Encyclopedia of Science Fiction
The evolution, growth, & ultimate destiny of the genre?
S. Edelman, A Crispin, D. Weinstein, R. Ridenour
Carrol - 4pm
The Golden Age of SF was 1968.
Enough great novels were published 30 years ago to fill a decent decade: Do
Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Camp Concentration, Stand on Zanzibar,
Nova, A Wizard of Earthsea, The Last Unicorn, Past Master, Rite of Passage,
Pavanne, Picnic on Paradise, The Final Programme, Report on Probability A,
2001: A Space Odyssey, Synthajoy, The Last Starship From Earth, Black
Easter, The Masks of Time, City of Illusions, The Goblin Reservation...
what was going on?
R. Meluch, D. Weinstein, L. Lake, R. Frezza, D. Schweitzer
Jefferson - 10am
Where Are The Movies With Plot & Character?
Are all current genre movies nothing more than special-effects showcases?
J. McDaid, S. Green, M. Rogers
Jefferson - 11am
The Coming of the 1998 Worldcon - a presentation by the ConCom of BucConeer
Everything you wanted to know about the 1998 WorldCon here in Baltimore.
Jefferson - 12 noon
100 Years of Dracula.
Last year marked the centennial of the publication of Dracula.
D. Schweitzer, K. Taylor, R. Frane
PRATT B - 2pm
The Horror, The Horror !!!!
The discovery of sf by academics. The uses & abuses. Is it time to take
back SF and put it back into the gutter?
M. M. Wooster, G. Carrington, S. Green
Peale room 6:00pm-7:00pm Saturday.
Literary History:
100 Years of H.G. Wells War of the Worlds: Dr. David Theison, UM.
Poe - 11am
H. Turtledove, H. Clement, R. Meluch
Poe - 12 noon
Are Trilogies Evil?
There is nothing really new about on-going series, they go back to the very
begininng of genre SF; yet there are those who say that most of the
multi-volume works being produced today are for the most part junk.
A. Crispin, K. Taylor, R. Frezza
Poe - 1pm
The Rough Guide to Fantasy.
Tolkien-like fantasy has gotten such a bad rap that it*s worth reminding
ourselves of the other side of Sturgeon*s Law: ten percent of everything
isn*t crap.
B. Clough, H. Turtledove, A. Crispin
Poe - 2pm
H P Lovecraft: Science Fiction Author.
The Mythos stories are considered cornerstone horror stories, yet in
reality they deal with alien beings from deep space. Is there a point
where horror and SF collide and merge?
H. Clenent, D. Schweitzer, J. Chalker, D. Weinstein, J. Wright
Poe - 3pm
Was Sturgeon An Optimist?
Is there 10% of sf worth reading?
E. Kotani, C. Sheffield, G. Carrington
Carro - 10am
Why does fantasy appeal to us so much? Miles of shelves of the stuff; why?
B. Clough, G. Keyes, E. Kotani
Carrol - 11am
Ideas from the Baltimore Sun.
Story ideas from today*s which our lucky panalists create
stories from today*s paper.
G. Keyes, L. Titchener, M. Van Name
Jefferson - 12 noon
Are You A Bookaholic?
Warning signs that you'll be killed by your book if there*s an earthquake
in your area...
R. Frezza, D. Weinstein, B. Clough, R. Ridenour, M. M. Wooster
FRIDAY in Poe Room.
6:00 PM --- The Artemis Project, Mr. Dana Carson The development of the Moon, current status.
7:00 PM --- A Tour of the Solar System, Ms. Inga Heyer
8:00 PM --- PSI Corp: Fact or Fiction, Ms. Anna Toyna
SATURDAY in Poe Room.
10:00 AM --- A Journey through the Universe with the Huabble Space Telescope, Ms. Inga Heyer.
11:00 AM --- MARS: Gas Core nuclear rockets and how we get there - The latest from Los Alamos, Dr. S. D. Howe
12:00 PM --- Alternative Medicine, Muriel Hykes, a practitioner of the natural healing arts.
1:00 PM --- SETI: Annual update, H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.
2:00 PM --- Dr. Yoji Kondo: Single Stage to Orbit and Space Travel for Everyone.
3:00 PM --- Cauldrons and Gravity, Materials Processing in Space--- Microgravity Sciences program. Dr. Ivan Clark
4:00 PM --- The Annual Dinosaur Panel, Dr. Michael Brett-Surman,Mr. Ralph Chapman,Linda Deck, Paul Sorton,Dr. Thomas Holtz
5:00 PM --- All you want to know about DNA - Dr. Fielding Hejmanick and Dr. Martin Lizak.
3PM EDIBLE ALIENS: make aliens out of cake and candy and eat/take your finished creations.
4PM WEARABLE ART make hats, masks and necklaces fit for a galactic fashion show!!
5PM PUPPET THEATER: make either sock or paper bag puppets andchinese dragons
10AM Costuming for young fans by LISA ASHTON
11AM Filk-Along with MARY ELLEN WESSELS, filk GOH
NOON HAL CLEMENT - "Our Bionic Eye: Lenses, Telescopes, Microscopes"
1PM "MR. POLYMER" Dr. ERNEST SILVERSMITH of Morgan State U. will amuse and enlighten younger fans with hands-on chemistry.
2-4PM Preparing Eggs for the traditional Sunday Hunt and other crafts.
5:30PM PASSOVER DESSERT SEDAR(all ages invited)
10AM Easter Egg Hunt for youngest fans
11AM 2nd Hunt for young fans
1PM Make- your-own fantasy card deck
2PM SF story making w/ HAL CLEMENT
3PM Clay play (make sf and fantasy creatures)
4 PM close room / convention ends
"Note: Kids old enough to be in the children's program without an older escort are assumed to be old enough to leave on their own."
Hours of operation 10am to midnight Friday+Saturday.
Over 15 platforms ranging from PDP-11 to today--for your gaming experience.
Saturday in Adams Room.
9am -11am (2 hours)
Antique Ribbonwork (Workshop - $5 fee; includes materials; Limit: 15)
Advance Registration Required
Presented by Diane Kovalcin and Susan Toker
A 2 hour workshop providing instruction on various trimming techniques
using ribbonwork.
11am - Noon
Audio Mixing for Costume Presentations
Presented by Marty Gear and Allon Stern
Just how do you make a tape for a costume presentation without using fancy
mixing equipment? You'll find out what equipment you need and how to do
it yourself in this demonstration.
Noon - 1pm - and - 1pm - 2pm
Klingon Costuming - and - Building a Character the Klingon Way
Presented by Bill & Cheryl Koblinsky, Matt Henry and Terry Smith
How do you reproduce a Klingon outfit? And what do you do once you have
it? Members of one of the local Klingon houses will explain it all to you,
and give you ideas for creating your own Klingon persona.
2pm - 4pm (2 hours)
The Balticon Costume Swap Meet
Coordinated by Betsy R. Delaney
Bring your fabric, sequins, shoes, and anything else you think might be
someone else's treasure, and swap/trade/bargain at Balticon this year!
This bizarre bazaar will take place between 2pm and 4pm Saturday.
Leftovers can go home with you, or be donated to the con for a
tax-deductible receipt.
4pm - 5pm
Altering Commercial Patterns
Presented by Amanda Allen, Faith Baker and Sharon Landrum
No human has ever fit exactly into a commercially produced pattern. This
demo will show you some of the tips and tricks for creating custom fit
garments from purchased patterns, and how to mix and match for the look
you want.
Leatherworking for Re-Creation Costumes.
Presented by: Pat Ritter
Sunday in Adams.
10am - 11am
Show and Tell (or How Did You DO That)
Moderated by Betsy R. Delaney
Find out how the costumers in Saturday night's Masquerade made their
costumes and props. All Masquerade participants are invited to show off
their costumes and props close up, so you can see how the work gets done.
11am - Noon
Making Alien Eyes Without Contacts
Presented by Andrew Bergstrom, Chuck Coates and Carol Salemi
You may have seen them walking around: evil faeries, robots, or comic book
characters. But how do you get that alien or comic-book look for your
eyes? During this demo you will learn the techniques and find out the
materials you need to create your own special "look."
Noon - 1pm
Hot Glue and Surface Embellishment
Presented by Diane Kovalcin, Susan Toker and Lisa Ashton
See some of the more interesting ways you can embellish your costume using
a variety of techniques and materials. You'll have the opportunity to see
some of the methods for embellishment, using techniques such as: Hot glue,
fabric paint, applique, and beading.
1pm - 2pm
Basic Beadwork (Workshop - $5 fee; includes materials; Limit: 15)
Advance Registration Required
Presented by Lisa Ashton, Carol Salemi and Jonatha Ariadne Caspian-Kaufman
A 1 hour mini-workshop for learning the basics in beadwork applique and
2pm - 3pm (2 hours)
Chain Mail Basics.
Presented by Susan de Guardiola
The Chain Mail workshop has been changed to a
demonstration giving the basics of chain mail weaving, and
some valuable short cuts for quicker production.
1. Shadowrun: Pillars of Fire: 18:00-22:00 PM. GM Mark GearySaturday:
1. STAR WARS CCG: Decipher Games Demo: 10:00-9:00 PMSunday:
1. AD&D 1st edition: Against the Giants (G3): 10:00-1:00 GM Tony TalbertSaturday in Douglass
4:00pm--8:00pm. Gaming: Decipher games TournamentFriday:
12:00 Gun Smith Cats (Dub)Saturday:
8:00 Area 88 #1 (Sub)Sunday:
8:00 Ninku (Sub)Friday Jefferson Room
9:00pm-10:00pm The works of Robert A. Heinlein.Saturday Adams Room.
9:00pm-10:00pm Title Change: What would have been a better title for your favoite books.Friday.
8:00pm-9:00pm Fanimal House:The Play.(full staged play, not your typical fan quick event at all! Set costumes and 4 months of weekly rehersals; WOW!Saturday.
1:00pm Dunloggin, The Pipes & Drums of Tir Na MhairiFriday.
7:00pm-9:00pm in Carroll.Saturday.
9:00am.-11:00am in Pratt B.Sunday
2:00pm-4:00pm in International A.Friday
8:00-9:45pm. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (104)Saturday
8:00-9:20pm. The Nightmare Before Christmas (76)9AM - 1050AM Breakfast in the Ruins - Star Trek Open Discussion
A two hour open discussion on the pluses and minuses of the various
shows of the franchise. What would you do differently? Where will they
go from here?
Dan Delaney - Moderator
11AM - 1155AM The Golden Age of Anime aka This is your father's Anime
A discussion of the classic anime from the 70's and 80's,
that helped pave the way for the anime explosion of today.
Such old-time favorites as Gundam, Robotech, Star Blazers,
and Captain Harlock will be discussed. Video shorts from a variety
of works will be shown.
Panel Members:
Tom Jewell
Barbara Jackson Jewell
Sue Shambaugh
Tom Holtz
NOON - 1255PM To Boldly Game.... Starfleet Academy
Daniel Greenberg, the script writer for the interactive roleplaying CD
computer game Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will be here to answer
questions about writing for computer games and Star Trek.
1PM - 155PM The Anal-Rentative X-Files or Picking The X-Files' Nits
This guided discussion will include rarely seen behind the scenes clips,
X-Files parodies... etc. also include clips of errors in the show and
trailers for the movie.
Moderator - Joel "DiG" DiGiacomo
2PM - 255PM This is Not your father's Anime
A fast-paced overview of the japanese animation available
today at your local video store. The change in themes,
techniques, and "mature" material will be discussed.
Video shorts from a variety of works will be shown.
Panel Members:
Tom Jewell
Barbara Jackson Jewell
Sue Shambaugh
Tom Holtz
3PM - 355PM Star Trek: Klingons
For thirty years the Klingons have held the attention of countless fans
and have inspired stories, mythology and even their own language. Come
listen to five members of the Imperial Klingon Battle Fleet provide a
glimpse of a part of Star Trek not seen on your TV.
John Miller
Donna Miller
Jeannie Brison
Brad Graper - Moderator
4PM - 455PM The Conspiracies of The X-Files
This would be a discussion of what is actually going on in mythology of
the X-Files. This would definitely include trailers for the X-Files movie
which promises to reveal many secrets.
Moderator - Joel "DiG" DiGiacomo
5PM - 555PM Godzilla Panel: Godzilla: Past, Present and Future
This guided discussion will include a VHS tape of the history of
Godzilla... plus multiple trailers and interviews about the new movie.
Discuss the impact of the most famous of the big monsters.
Moderator - Joel "DiG" DiGiacomo
6PM - 655PM Space: Above and Beyond -- Still Kickin' Butt
"Space: Above and Beyond", cancelled almost two years ago by Fox-TV,
is back on the air (in reruns) on the Sci-Fi Channel, thanks to the
efforts of its dedicated fandom.... and they're still trying for TV-movies
or a second season on another network. Meanwhile, the creators, cast and
crew stay busy with other projects ("Millennium", "Prey," "Contact," "Deep
Impact"). Let the Space Ready Reserve fill you in on the latest campaigns
and news!
Kate Duncan
Jane Harmon
Dwane Bowen
7PM - 855PM Babylon 5 Open Discussion
One of our most popular events from last year. Swap tales and listen to
other Babylaniacs as we look at the past 4 years and discuss what comes
after B5.
Dan Delaney - Moderator
Fan Club Program:
Friday Jefferson Room 6:00pm-7:00pm "SF and College Students: HOPSFA Fan Club"Public function areas at the Omni normally close at 2:00am. The Hotel staff will ask guests of the hotel to return to their rooms and ask BALTICON members who do not wish to sleep to go to the remaining open BALTICON function areas. By special arrangement with the Omni, BALTICON 32 will keep several rooms open in the Lower Level South Tower area till 4:00am for late night Filk and conversation areas. BALTICON members still awake after 2:00am can continue the convention in this area.
Baby sitting: Room and hours will be provided at registration and at operations for Parents only.
In keeping with Maryland State Law: No smoking inside hotel except in designated smoking sleeping rooms and the hotel bar.